Where does Tesla's disruption come from?

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These days, Tesla has been in the news one after another. One is the announcement on April 9 that Tesla will build a new energy storage super factory in Shanghai to produce Tesla's super large commercial energy storage batteries. Another is the industry news, Tesla electric car will be brewing a new round of price cuts in the near future, is expected to launch the price of 150,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan range of the new low-cost electric car, Tesla is said to internal its total sales target set at 42 million units. Another is the Tesla factory front-line workers "more than 10,000 monthly salary" unexpectedly on the hot search, and "all the protection is complete", and even "parents are reimbursed for medical care. In addition, Tesla's sister company SpaceX developed the "Starship" super heavy rocket called "the largest volume in human history, the strongest thrust launch vehicle" finally got all the permits from NASA.

These days, Tesla has been in the news one after another.

One is the announcement on April 9 that Tesla will build a new energy storage super factory in Shanghai to produce Tesla's super large commercial energy storage batteries. Another is the industry news, Tesla electric car will be brewing a new round of price cuts in the near future, is expected to launch the price of 150,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan range of the new low-cost electric car, Tesla is said to internal its total sales target set at 42 million units. Another is the Tesla factory front-line workers "more than 10,000 monthly salary" unexpectedly on the hot search, and "all the protection is complete", and even "parents are reimbursed for medical care. In addition, Tesla's sister company SpaceX developed the "Starship" super heavy rocket called "the largest volume in human history, the strongest thrust launch vehicle" finally got all the permits from NASA.

As we all recognize - Tesla is a "catfish" stirring the market, these news, behind each one of them is the word "disruption" written in capital letters. Energy storage mega-factory disrupts the energy storage industry, and the Science and Technology Daily says "it will catalyze the whole industry chain in a short time ...... to verify the landing path of large-scale commercialization", and the title of its article is even more direct The headline of the article is straightforward - "Follow Musk across the river and run through the trillion dollar market". Electric cars are capable of a new round of price cuts because of the news in January this year: the production cost of Tesla cars will once again drop by a whopping 54%. This is Tesla once again disrupting the car market. Previous disruptions, experts have said: "Until Tesla like 'catfish' stirred up the whole market, so that very many consumers began to accept new energy vehicles, really opened up the market. Let it turn from a policy-driven market to a demand-driven market." The general workers "monthly salary of more than 10,000", is undoubtedly subverted our familiar human resources market, SpaceX's rocket is once again subverted the field of astronautics.

So, think of a question - Tesla or Musk, why can time and again disrupt, break the market pattern, rewrite the industry order?

In a TED interview, Musk revealed his very esteemed mode of thinking - first nature principle, and stressed that all his entrepreneurial achievements, are attributable to this mode of thinking. The original words are as follows: "It is very important that we use the first nature principle, rather than thinking in comparative terms to think about things. We always tend to compare in life, what others have done or are doing we also do, which only produces small iterations of development. The first nature principle way of thinking is to use the perspective of physics to see the world, that is to say, layer by layer to set aside the appearance of things to see the essence of the inside, and then from the essence of the layer up."

The idea of brain-burning does not study, to put it simply, the first principle is "back to the essence of things, rethink what to do", and the opposite of this is comparative thinking. For example, Tesla encountered the problem of high battery costs when researching electric cars in the early days. Comparative thinking is to see how low-cost competitors or partners are doing, which is naturally no better way. Instead, Musk used the first-nature principle to disassemble the battery, breaking it down into different materials such as carbon, nickel, aluminum, and steel from the elemental level. After disassembly, Musk found that if these materials are purchased separately from the London Metal Exchange, it is about 13.7% of the total cost of the battery.

In other words, the direct cause of the high cost of the battery is not in the raw materials, but in the way the raw materials are combined. This is exactly what is found "what to do". The second natural step is to seek new combinations and battery management systems. No need to tell the back story, Tesla ignited the electric car market. Musk's similar use of first principles, there are disassembled super tunnels, disassembled launch vehicles, disassembled Mars immigration, and after each disassembly, is the birth of disruptive innovation.

Tesla's disruptive path, Musk's first nature principle, in our development, but has realistic significance. It should be said that, with more than 40 years of reform and opening up, and rounds of regional competition, the current urban development pattern has begun to show the Matthew effect, with the strong getting stronger and the weak getting weaker.

Once we, running to catch up, just unconsciously using the comparative thinking, look at developed areas, learning from advanced cities, to the best benchmark, with the strongest competition, with the fastest race. But as Musk's words "others have done or are doing things we also do", in the early stages of development, can also "produce small iterations of development", but in the pattern of the initial delineation of today, small iterations are no longer enough to give birth to catch up beyond, more is It's more of an inability to catch up and fight. In fact, this time, the catching up city, can no longer be a follower, but to fight to be a stirring; this time, the catching up city, more can not be as Xiaomi founder Lei Jun said "tactical diligence, to cover up the strategic laziness"; this time, the catching up city, but the most need to be less obsessed with comparative thinking, more The use of first principles.

In fact, in the new economic model of the new industry (56.050, -0.45, -0.80%) track continues to surge today, with the industrial change of the city reshuffle is still going on. Just as urgency should never be the highest priority indicator of work sorting, importance is. At this time, we need to set our mind, use the first principle to think about what to do, in front of many development paths and industrial tracks, find the most suitable one with our city's foundation, status quo and characteristics, and then be calm, tolerate loneliness, and firmly "hammer the nail".