2022, the year of the explosion of new energy vehicle sales

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2022 was the year when new energy vehicle sales exploded, and in 2023, new energy vehicles are likely to continue in the high growth channel.

2022 was the year when new energy vehicle sales exploded, and in 2023, new energy vehicles are likely to continue in the high growth channel.

CCA data show that in 2022, China's new energy vehicle sales grew 93.4% year-on-year to 6.887 million units, with a market penetration rate of 25.6%, completing the national target of 25% penetration three years ahead of schedule, compared to only 7% in the second half of 2020.

In the first quarter of this year, China's new energy vehicle penetration rate reached 30%, and in March it was as high as 35%, meaning that for every three cars sold, one was a new energy vehicle.

At the Electric Vehicle 100 Forum on April 1, BYD Group Chairman and President Wang Chuanfu predicted that domestic sales of new energy vehicles could reach 8.5-9 million units in 2023.

The 2022 financial report shows that BYD's revenue is 424.1 billion yuan, up 96% year-on-year; net profit attributable to the mother is 16.6 billion yuan, up 445.9% year-on-year; net profit attributable to the mother reaches 3.92%, up 2.51 percentage points year-on-year; net cash flow from operating activities is 140.8 billion yuan, up 115.13% year-on-year